Once we justified the desires of our Nafs and accepted partial obedience then we were no different than others, have no fear of being accountable of our deeds, have no fear of Allah swt and Day of Judgment, and joined the team of non-believers in killing and abusing each other to control and glorify ourselves.
Corona Virus has attacked people of the whole world and everybody is feeling its presence. But there is another kind of virus, another type of Pandemic which is attacking humanity of the world and destroying its fragrant.
The Pandemic I am talking about is the virus of hate, greed, and selfishness.The major difference between the two, the Corona Virus attacks everybody while the virus of hate, greed, and selfishness attacks only poor and helpless, the people who have no media and no voice.
The story of the poor is not new. They have been suffering from day one. Even at the time of our Prophet, the rich used to abuse poor.
To help them Allah sent His Messenger, Mohammad saw to establish His Kingdom where people could live with love, peace, justice, and equal social status, but soon after his death people forgot about his teachings, and after 2.5 century latter people wrote the book of Hadith. We twisted his words and even fabricated them to give glad tiding and ignoring warnings so that we can call ourselves Muslims while enjoying the desires of our Nafs and without being obedient to God. Once we justified the desires of our Nafs and accepted partial obedience then we were no different than others, have no fear of being accountable of our deeds, have no fear of Allah swt and Day of Judgment, and joined the team of non-believers in killing and abusing each other to control and glorify ourselves.
Thus the people who were supposed to help the poor and helpless started taking advantage of their helplessness themselves. The Ulemas and scholars who are our teachers and are supposed to keep us on the Quran and Sunnah’s teachings fell themselves in Devil’s trap.
I believe, to remind us of our duties and responsibilities towards poor and helpless He sent Pandemic of Coronavirus and I am afraid this may continue unless we bow down in front of His Majesty, ask for His forgiveness and return to full-time Obedience. May Allah swt give us the vision to stop finger-pointing others and start looking within ourselves and make a change. I hope we take this warning seriously and don’t invite His Wrath. The next one may be the worst.
O Allah Forgive Us Forgive Us Forgive Us and help us to correct our deeds, A’meen.
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